Category Archives: The European Union between Hope and Anxiety

The future of Europe is in our hands!

Luminița Odobescu   The beginning of 2020 brought to the attention of Europeans a process of reflection and change through a large-scale campaign designed to foster the involvement of European citizens in the European project – the Conference on the Future of Europe. With the commencement of a new legislative calendar in Brussels, a new…
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The Future of the European Union

Andrei Marga After the historical turn Europe took in 1990, the world witnessed a profound change in the direction of democratisation. A new change of the world happened around 2010, which resulted in a new geopolitical configuration. And following the 2020 pandemic, the world changes yet again, towards a direction given by the variable geometry…
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European imaginaries and cultural patrimonies

Corin Braga   Although a geographically small continent, Europe has fostered, over the past millennia, the emergence of an impressive number of languages, cultures and civilizations. This constitutes its richness and also its challenge: how should all these local, regional and national cultural identities be harmonized and integrated, without destroying, but rather conserving and enhancing…
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Consolidated concerns at EU level for environmental protection

From year to year, the European Union is becoming an actor that is extremely concerned about protecting the environment and mitigating the conditions that favor the emergence of the much-feared climate change. With the launch of the Green Deal in 2020, the European conglomerate is making consistent efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, involving the main…
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West and East at the beginning of the millennium

Prof. Dr. Tasin Gemil   WEST AND EAST AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MILLENNIUM[1]   In the 11th and 13th centuries, the Western-Christian and Eastern-Islamic worlds came into direct and systematic contact on multiple levels. More precisely, the development of complex and long-lasting processes pushed the two worlds towards each other. This had the most…
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Europe and the Concept of Multiple Identities

VICTOR NEUMANN Member of the Academy of Europe   An Idea of the Avant-garde of the Future[1]   Many historians believe European identity should be claimed from myths and symbols, memories and traditions. Actually, this approach speaks about the national, and not European, idea. When debating the concept of Europe, historians must not pretend symbolisms…
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May 9th, 2021. The day that building the future of Europe began

The addresses occasioned by the celebration of Europe Day could not eschew the topic of a considerable effort, meant to breathe new life into the European Union: The Conference on the Future of Europe. Gathered in the plenary hall of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the representatives of all major European institutions, of the Portuguese…
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Achieving a balance between old and new EU members

    Professor Gheorghe Schwartz Dean of the Faculty of Humanist and Social Sciences, "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad     Another topic for consideration is the considerable brain drain from the EU's eastern member states to the significantly improved material resources and capacity to perform to one's ability found in the West. I vividly…
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How can we reconcile the descendants of Rome with those of Byzantium?

    Professor Adrian Severin Minister of Foreign Affairs 1996-1997 Member of the European Parliament 2009-2014     I would like to take this opportunity to put forth the following idea, linked to the future of the EU and that of Europe more broadly, for your consideration. The conscience of a European identity was forged…
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Europe, today, is a far cry from the (Catholic) Christian Europe of the Middle Ages, and indeed even from Europe as it stood at the European Union’s inception

    Professor Tasin Gemil Institute of Turkology, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization     Nearly three decades ago, I gave an address in the Auditorium of the Romanian Academy on The global political system from the perspective of history, in…
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The idea to bring together the creative energies of the academic environment and direct them to the elaboration of high-impact studies, dedicated thematic analyses, the collection of best practices, and the formulation of important directions for public reflection and action

    Professor Dumitru Miron President of the Academic Senate, Bucharest University of Economic Studies     I view as highly beneficial your idea to bring together the creative energies of the academic environment and direct them towards the elaboration of high-impact studies, dedicated thematic analyses, the collection of best practices, and the formulation of…
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