The International Journal of Levant Studies Vol. 1/2019


The International Journal, President of Scientific Board: Emil CONSTANTINESCU of Levant Studies


► Garry Jacobs, World Academy of Art and Science: Cultural Diplomacy: Strategies for Psychological Evolution of the Levant
► Razvan Theodorescu, Vice-President of Romanian Academy: The Levant as a European space
► Amir Harrak, University of Toronto: Syriac Inscriptions in the Monastery of Mōr-Jacob the Recluse in ūr-‘Abdīn
► Sebastian Brock, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford: Translation: an art prolifically practiced - into and out of Syriac
► Martin Tamcke, Georg-August-University of Göttingen: The Baghdad Railway and Mardin
► Cristian Criste, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich: An Ancient Example of Cultural Diplomacy? The Informal Principles of Graeco-Roman Diplomacy
► Ronny Reich, University of Haifa: On the Role of Argumentum ex silentio in the Interpretation of Missing Archaeological Finds, with Case Studies from Jerusalem
► Jackie Feldman, Ben Gurion University of the Negev: Encountering Religious Others: Jewish-Christian Relations in Contemporary Guided Pilgrimages to the Holy Land
► Catalin-Stefan Popa, The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, Bucharest: The Dynamics of the Philosophical and Theological Cultures in Levant and Mesopotamia of Late Antiquity (6th-9th c.). A glampse into Aristotle’s transfer from Greek to Syriac and Arabic culture
► Emil Condurachi, Pars Orientis. Studii de istorie a culturii europene, By Ion Andrei Țârlescu, “George Oprescu” Institute for Art History, Romanian Academy
► Andrei Timotin, ed, Un siècle d’études sud-est européennes en Roumanie. Bilan historiographique, By Ana-Maria Răducanu, The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, Bucharest

The International Journal of Levant Studies - the peer-review periodical of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization (ISACCL) is to further scientific research on the historical, archaeological, linguistic, social, cultural and religious research topics prevalent in the Levant, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Mesopotamia and Northern Africa.

The journal is published on an annual basis, and is edited in English; furthermore, it shall be indexed under the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences - ERIH Plus.

The deadlines for submission fall on the 1st of February.

Prospective submissions shall be sent to the following e-mail address:

President of Scientific Board:

Emil CONSTANTINESCU, President of the Scientific Committee of The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization


Scientific Board:

Winston P. NAGAN, Chairman, Board of Trustees, World Academy of Art & Science; Director, Institute for Human Rights, Peace and Development, University of Florida;

Răzvan THEODORESCU, Vicepresident of Romanian Academy;

James GELVIN, Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History, University of California, Los Angeles;

Anna SAPIR ABULAFIA, Professor of the Study of the Abrahamic Religions, Oxford University;

Martin TAMCKE, Professor of Ecumenical Theology, Oriental Church and

Mission History, Georg-August-University of Göttingen;

Ora LIMOR, Professor of Medieval History and conversion literature, The Open University of Israel, Jerusalem;

Abdo BADWI, Professor of Christian Iconography, History of Art and Semitic languages, The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik;

Dan GRIGORESCU, Professor Emeritus University of Bucharest, Scientific Director of The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization;



Cătălin-Ștefan POPA


Author’s Style Guidelines

Manuscripts sent for publication must be limited to a maximum of 10.000 words (including footnotes and references). These must be formatted in size-12 Times New Roman font, using 1.5 line spacing, on A4 pages, with all margins set to 25.4 mm. The manuscripts will include the following sections:

  • Title – must be short and informative;
  • Author’s name(s) and affiliation – the first and last names of each author must be written in full, without any abbreviations. For each author, their names must be followed by their institutional affiliation, position, contact details (the institution’s full address and e-mail address) and a short bibliography (6 lines max.). The name of the submitting author must be followed by a superscript asterisk (*);
  • An abstract (250 words max.), presenting the paper’s main lines of inquiry and conclusions;
  • Keywords (5 max.);
  • The main manuscript text, beginning on a new page;
  • A reference list, following the guides outlined below;
  • (optional) Figure and table captions, beginning on a new page;
  • (optional) Figures and tables, which must be submitted as individual files rather than included in the body text of the paper.


All references cited in the submitted paper (including table and figure captions) must be enumerated in the reference list. All works populating the reference list must also be cited in the manuscript text, and will follow the Chicago citation guidelines which will be used as model for all references throughout.

These may be found at (

In-text citations are accepted in the form of footnotes, and their full references must be included in a list at the end of the paper. Citations must be delineated in the text by superscript numbers, consecutive throughout the paper (i.e. the numbering does not restart on each new page).

Footnote references must be limited to the author’s name, year of publication, and the page(s) referenced from the cited paper (where applicable), with the full details of the reference being detailed in the reference list.

In the case of more than one work being published in the same year by the same author (or for those publications which share the same primary author, in the case of multiple authors), such papers will be differentiated, both in the footnotes and the reference list, by the addition of minuscule letters as per the following example: 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, etc.

Further examples of footnote citation:

  • For single author papers: 1 Săndulescu, 1984.
  • For papers with two authors: 2 Andrășanu & Grigorescu, 2012.
  • For papers with more than two authors: 3 Melinte-Dobrinescu et al., 2016.

In the reference list, all works cited in the main text will be enumerated in alphabetical order by the name of the primary author. In such cases where multiple works have been published by the same author, they will be listed in chronological order, by year of publication. Where possible, the addition of the work’s digital object identifier (DOI) is encouraged.

Titles of books and journals included in the reference list must be written in full. Diacritics may be used, both in the case of titles and author names. With regard to works written in languages employing other scripts than the standard Latin (e.g. Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic etc.), the author names and titles of works will be transcribed into the Latin alphabet and translated with the addition, in square brackets, of the original language of the paper and the eventual inclusion of an English abstract at the end of the reference.

Different citation criteria shall be employed when referencing various types of works in the reference list, according to the following guideline examples:

Published books

Săndulescu, M., 1984. Geotectonica României. Bucharest, Editura Tehnică.

Chapters / articles published in edited books

Andrășanu, A. & Grigorescu, D., 2012. Romania. In Wimbledon, W.A.P. & Smith-Meyer, S. (eds.): Geoheritage in Europe and its conservation, Oslo, ProGEO, pp. 274–287.

Articles published in scientific journals

Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Brustur, T., Jipa, D., Macaleț, R., Ion, G., Ion, E., Popa, A., Stănescu, I. & Briceag, A., 2016. The geological and palaeontological heritage of the Buzău Land Geopark (Carpathians, Romania). Geoheritage 9(2): 225–236.

PhD Theses

Vasile, Ș., 2012. Stratigrafia, paleontologia și paleoecologia Maastrichtianului din Bazinul Rusca Montană. PhD thesis, University of Bucharest, 194 pp.

Online sources (databases, etc.) shall be referenced according to the particular requirements of the websites in question:

Olech, W. (IUCN SSC Bison Specialist Group). 2008. Bison bonasus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T2814A9484719. Downloaded on 23 February 2018.

Figures and tables

All figures need to be submitted as individual files (preferably in compressed TIFF format), at a minimum image resolution of 300 dpi. Every figure used must be mentioned in the manuscript body. Figure references are as follows: Fig. 1, Fig. 3-4, Fig. 5a-c. The numbering of figures shall be made in the same order in which they are mentioned in the text. All figures must be no larger than 160 mm wide and 220 mm tall. In the case of compound or composite figures, each image comprising the whole shall be individually denoted by letters (a, b, c, d, etc.), with their references typed in at least size-10 Times New Roman font.

All tables used must be mentioned in the body text itself, and referenced as follows: “Tab. 1”, “Tab. 2”, etc. Numbering of tables shall follow the order in which they are brought up in the text. Tables must be edited using word processing software (e.g. Microsoft Word), and submitted as individual files with the same layout (margins, font, etc.) as the main text of the manuscript.

Figures and tables inserted into the manuscript text will not be accepted into the final piece. Figure and table captions must be added beginning with a new page, to come after the reference list, in the same order in which they appear in the text.