A Europe conceived first and foremost as a factor of unity, civilization and moderate progress

Prof. dr. Ladislau Gyemant Istoric, specialist în istoria modernă și contemporană a Europei O Europă concepută eminamente ca un factor de unitate, civilizație și ponderat progres



Prof. Dr. Ladislau Gyemant
Historian, specialist in the modern and contemporary history of Europe



I participate in the debates especially through the topic that interests me the most: the relationship between the initial project of European unity and the current situation that I would characterize in many, too many respects as a dead end that we reached due to departure from the generous ideas of the precursors and then the founders of a united Europe. The solution will not show itself as long as fundamental institutions, created with special efforts and difficulties (especially the European Parliament), have become political structures in which small group interests prevail over general interests and a group of leaders far from the level of founders divides a Europe conceived first and foremost as a factor of unity, civilization and moderate progress.

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