Category Archives: The European Union between Hope and Anxiety

Three decades have I awaited an ample and professional debate on this most fundamental of topics

    Professor Victor Neumann Historian and cultural philosopher Faculty of Letters, History and Theology at “Universitatea de Vest”, Timișoara     I must admit that the concepts of Europe, multi- and interculturalism, multilingualism and cosmopolitanism, culture, ethnoculture, ethnonation, people and nation have all piqued my interest. For several decades, I have been preoccupied with…
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Culture, which has, in the case of Europe, Judaeo-Christian spirituality as its superstructure, represents the crystallisation of the entirety of human creativity, from the inventiveness of craftsmen to the great scientific discoveries or masterpieces of art and philosophical thought. That is to say, all that which Europe, over an enormous part of its history, has gifted mankind

  Radu Boroianu President of the Romanian Cultural Institute 2015-2017 Minister, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Culture (1991-1992, 2013-2014) Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization     For my part, I would name the debate you are about to launch The present as…
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The EU’s common security policies

  Associate Professor Puiu Hașotti Minister of Culture 2012 Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization     Before any debate on ideas can commence, I would like to put forward the necessity that the European Union function on the basis of a Constitution, and not…
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Europa der Zukunft: politische, wirtschaftliche oder geistliche Union?

EMIL CONSTANTINESCU L’Europe de l’avenir : union politique, économique ou spirituelle ? »»»   Europe of the future: A political, economic, or spiritual Union? »»»   Es scheint, dass die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart so dringend und wichtig sind, dass wir oft gezwungen sind, eine Antwort zu formulieren, bevor wir uns den Zeichen einer Zukunft stellen,…
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L’Europe de l’avenir : union politique, économique ou spirituelle ?

EMIL CONSTANTINESCU   Europa der Zukunft: politische, wirtschaftliche oder geistliche Union? »»» Europe of the future: A political, economic, or spiritual Union? »»»   Il semble que les défis du présent sont tellement pressants et importants que nous sommes souvent obligés de formuler une réponse avant de nous confronter avec les signes d’un avenir marqué…
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A Europe of the Future: A Political, Economic, or Spiritual Union?

EMIL CONSTANTINESCU   It seems that the challenges of these times are so urgent and important, that they often require us to formulate an answer before facing the signs of a future mostly defined by uncertainty. Meanwhile, however, the world around us changes quickly. To speak about how the European Union can stand before the…
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