Textiles and War in Europe and the Mediterranean
from Prehistory to Late Antiquity
Bucharest, 17 – 19 May 2023
We are happy to announce that the conference program is ready!
18 papers were selected, prepared by 23 researchers from Italy, Portugal and Spain to Bulgaria, Romania and Poland and from the United Kingdom and France to Turkey, Israel and Tunisia. The papers are grouped in 5 panels:
Panel 1. From garments and armor to ropes and sails: the use of military textile items and the effects of military campaigns over the acquisition and consumption of textiles
Panel 2. Elite cloaks and standard uniforms: the iconography of Greek and Carthaginian military textile items and dress
Panel 3. Taxes, tributes, contracts or specialized workers? Systems of production and acquisition of garments and other textile items for the armies
Panel 4. Elite cloaks and standard uniforms: the iconography of Italic military textile items and dress
Panel 5. Elite cloaks and standard uniforms: the iconography of Imperial Roman military textile items and dress
In addition, two keynote lectures will open the first two days of the conference: „Textiles for war: archaeological evidence and approaches”, by Margarita Gleba, from the University of Padua, and „Craft, design and ergonomics: on decorations, reinforcements and protections for Mediterranean panoplies”, by Raimon Graells i Fabregat, from the University of Alicante.
The third day will start with the Official Launch of The EuroWeb Digital Atlas of European Textile Heritage, one of the two flagship deliverables of the COST „Europe through Textiles: Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities (EuroWeb)”.
Visits to the museums in Bucharest, an official dinner and the semestrial meeting of the Management Committee of EuroWeb will also take place during these three days, while the week-end (20-21 May) brings an optional post-conference excursion to the ancient cities of Histria, Orgame and Tomis (nowadays Constanța) in Dobrudja, the multicultural and nature-rich region between the Danube and the Black Sea!
The conference program, the book of abstracts and a short guide with useful information for participants are available below. Any significant updates will be communicated through email, while minor updates will be posted only on the conference website.
click to download pdf file “Program” »»»
click to download pdf file “Book of Abstracts” »»»
click to download pdf file “Useful Information” »»»
The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization
2A Boulevard Mareșal Constantin Prezan, 011452
Bucharest, ROMANIA
Liviu Iancu, Francesco Meo