International conference on “Science evidence-based decision-making approaches for the implementation of the SDGs in the Black Sea Region”

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization was represented at the international conference on “Science evidence-based decision-making approaches for the implementation of the SDGs in the Black Sea Region” by the President of its Scientific Council, Professor Emil Constantinescu. The event was held online on Wednesday, March 24th 2021.

Organised by the Black Sea Universities Network in collaboration with the Romanian Academy and the Department for Sustainable Development of the Romanian Government, the conference brought together representatives from the Black Sea’s riverine states with the aim of debating novel opinions and solutions for the effective implementation of those Sustainable Development Objectives that are indeed applicable to the Black Sea region out of a total 17 SDGs total proposed by the United Nations. Consequently, the proposals presented primarily tackled the operational capacities of plans for action and redress in the region drawn up at the European Union level and focusing on Black Sea Synergy, especially relevant in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Other topics discussed included the involvement of the academic environment in elaborating sustainable projects better suited to capitalize upon regional resources, following-up on the results of joint projects undertaken within the Horizon 202 framework, as well as the involvement of as many states that not only have plentiful material and human resources but also specialised experience and know-how as possible in the development of new responsible activity patterns that can better safeguard the biodiversity of the Black Sea.

At the opening session of the conference, president Emil Constantinescu argued in favour of identifying efficient solutions, correlated to relevant objectives which nevertheless avoid the pitfalls of utopian thinking and populist discourse. Moreover, president Constantinescu spoke in favour of identifying regionally particular approaches: “We must use this opportunity to refer to the most stringent aspect of all: how we can ensure the future of crude oil and natural gas exploitation ion the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the North-eastern Mediterranean without damaging the natural environment in any way. This issue required a regional strategy, one that directly addresses challenges so diverse from one sea region to the next. While the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, as well as other seas, share the same importance with regard to transport and commerce, they are distinct in terms of ecosystems and biodiversity. Therefore, each area mandates a personalised approach”.

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization and the Black Sea Universities Network have entered into a cooperation agreement for activities undertaken as part of the Institute’s project on “Dobrogea, witness to the millennial civilizations of the Levant”, as well as initiatives in cultural diplomacy.





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