Project designed to study the cultural history of the Balkans, in partnership with the Romanian Archaeological Institute in Athens

Athens, January 20th, 2020

The delegation led by Emil Constantinescu, President of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, visited on January 20th, 2020, the headquarters of the Romanian Institute of Archaeology in Athens. The delegation was received by Professor Vlad Nistor, President of the Institute and Emilian Alexandrescu, General Manager.

The talks focused on establishing a partnership between the two Institutes, as well as a long term cooperation on common projects. In 2020, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization intends to lauch a large project dedicated to the cultural history of the Balkans. The Romanian Institute of Archaeology shall take part in the field research to be conducted within the project. In addition to this, the Institute for Advanced Studies for Levant Culture and Civilization shall donate a set of books for the Library of the Romanian Institute of Archaeology.

Professor Vlad Nistor is a member of the IASLCC Scientific Council and an active supporter of the Institute’s projects, especially those capitalizing on the Levant cultural and civilizational potential, and contributing in the long term with an invaluable expertise to its projects.

Proiect destinat studierii istoriei culturale a Balcanilor, în parteneriat cu Institutul Arheologic Român din Atena

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