Sixth Edition


September 14th-20th 2023


Thursday, September, 14

16.30-17.00 - The Opening of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies

Prof. univ. dr. Emil Constantinescu, president of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Advanced

Professor Claudia Rapp, University of Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences - message

Athanassios Semoglou, University „Aristotle” of Thessaloniki, the scientific director of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies

17.00-17.45 - Pablo Argarate, University of Graz

„Love Whoever Hates You and Persecutes You”. The Reception of the Mount Sermon in a Fourth-Century Anonymous Work

17.45-18.00 - Q&A session

18.00-18.15 -Break

18.15-19.00 - Athanassios Semoglou, University „Aristotle” of Thessaloniki

À la recherche d’une iconographie belliqueuse dans l’art postbyzantin

19.00-19.15 - Q&A session


Friday, September, 15

17.00-17.45 - Mariana Bodnaruk, Central-European University, University of Fribourg

Forging War Legacies in Stone: The High-Ranking Military Commanders in the Honorific Statuary and Epigraphic Representation in Late Antiquity (4th-7th Centuries AD)

17.45-18.00 - Q&A session


Saturday, September, 16

16.00-16.45 - David Gabriel Carpen, University of Bucharest

Brotherly War or Peace with the Heretics? The Dispute among the Non-Chalcedonians Regarding Ecclesiological Practice and the Solution of Patriarch Severus of Antioch

16.45-17.00 - Q&A session

17.00-17.15 - Break

17.15-18.00 - Antonio Pio di Cosmo, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia &ISACCL

The Basilissa and The Sacred Palace: Women’s Space and the Public Life in the 10th Century

18.00-18.15 - Q&A session


Sunday, September, 17

17.00-17.45 - Liviu Iancu, ISACCL

Raiders turned into mercenaries: Comparing the Greeks in the Saite Kingdom to the Varangians in the Byzantine Empire

17.45-18.00 - Q&A session

18.00-18.15 - Break

18,15-19.00 - Anca Dan, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Paris

Heraclius like David and Meleager: Mythical Projections of the Basileus, in War and Peace

19.00-19.15 - Q&A session


Monday, September, 18

17.00-17.45 - Manuela Dobre, University of Bucharest

Some Considerations about the Byzantine Army in the 6th Century

17.45-18.00 - Q&A session

18.00-18.15 - Break

18.15-19.15 Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi, University of Salerno

The Theological Background of the Byzantine Attitude of War


Tuesday, September, 19

15.00-15.45 - So Miyagawa, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics

Digital Humanities and Coptic Studies: Digital Gateway to Roman and Byzantine Egypt

15.45-16.00 - Q&A session

16.00-16.15 - Break

16.15-17.00 - Alexandros Alexakis, University of Ioanina

Literary aspects of War and Peace in the De Expugnatione Thessalonicae of Ioannes Kaminiates

17.00-17.15 - Q&A session


Wednesday, September, 20

17.00-17.45 - Andra Jugănaru, University of Bucharest

The Inner Fight and Peace in the Thought of Gregory of Nyssa

17.45-18.00 - Q&A session

18.00 - The Closing of the School. The Announcement of the seventh edition of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies’ Topic

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