Press releases, Bucharest, September 5th 2019

The official opening of the second edition of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies – ”Stability and change at the borders of Byzantium and beyond”


This year’s edition benefitted from the support of the University of Bucharest, the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, the ”Ovidius” University of Constanța, the Romanian Foundation for Democracy and Raiffeisen Bank. The lectures of the School shall take place in Bucharest and Constanța between 6-13th September 2019.

The opening session of the 2019 edition of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies entitled ”Stability and change at the borders of Byzantium and beyond” took place on Thursday, 5th September 2019, at 5 p.m. in the afternoon at the Reading Room of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest. This year’s edition benefitted from the support of important partners, such as the University of Bucharest, the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, “Ovidius” University of Constan’a, the Romanian Foundation for Democracy and Raiffeisen Bank.

The opening speeches were delivered by Emil Constantinescu, President of the IASLCC Scientific Council, Professor Magdalena Platiș, Vice-Rector of the University of Bucharest, in charge with Quality Management and Professor Ernesto Mainoldi, from the University of Salerno. The moderator of the inaugural session was Cătălin Ștefan Popa – Director of the IASLCC Direction on the History of Levant Culture and Civilization, and also Coordinator of this year’s edition of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies, read the message sent by Răzvan Theodorescu, Vice-President of the Romanian Academy and Scientific Director of the School, who was not able to attend. Also, Professor Dan Grigorescu, Scientific Director of IASLCC read the message sent by Professor Sorin Rugină, Rector of the ”Ovidius” University from Constanța, one of the event’s partners.

The speakers highlighted the importance of Byzantine studies as a specific field of study in the greater landscape of national and international academia and research, as well as the necessity of programes like the Annual School of Byzantine Studies in order to create a framework of dialogue and interaction that would allow for a constructive exchange of ideas. Referring to the paradox residing inside this year’s topic, President Emil Constantinescu stated that :” Stability is the promise, never fulfilled, made by the powerful empires and nations through propaganda to the human beings, both from past and present, it is the dream of living in a predictable world, in peace and harmony. Change is, willingly or not, a constant of our life, that challenges ways of thinking, well-established formulas and shapes new dimensions.”

A large public was present at the opening session, including here the students of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies, the invited lecturers (both from Romania and abroad), representatives of the French and Greek embassies in Bucharest, as well as those passionate about Byzantine studies in general.

Deschiderea oficială a Școlii Anuale de Studii Bizantine, ediția a doua: „Stabilitate și schimbare la granițele Imperiului Bizantin și ale civilizației post-bizantine”

Deschiderea oficială a Școlii Anuale de Studii Bizantine, ediția a doua: „Stabilitate și schimbare la granițele Imperiului Bizantin și ale civilizației post-bizantine”

Deschiderea oficială a Școlii Anuale de Studii Bizantine, ediția a doua: „Stabilitate și schimbare la granițele Imperiului Bizantin și ale civilizației post-bizantine”

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