Program of the Symposium
"Nature and Culture at the Black Sea"
Side event organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization
within the SUST-BLACK Conference
9 May 2019, Romanian Parliament, Constantin Stere Hall
9.00-9.15 Key note speaker Nikolaos Theodossiou : Social aspects of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
9.15-9.30 Key note speaker Alen Amirkhanian: Armenia's Natural Assets and Risks: Prospects for Biophilic and Resilient Society.
9.30 -10.30 Session 1. Importance of the biological and ecological researches for a sustainable development at the Black Sea.
Moderator Mihaela Melinte
9.30-9.45 Luis Popa, Oana Popa: Grigore Antipa-founder of the biological researches at the Black Sea in Romania.
9.45-10.00 Marius Skolka: Risk factors and sustainable development at the western Black Sea Coast.
10.00 -10.15 Marius Skolka, Adrian Teacă,Tatiana Begun,Mihaela Mureşan,Victor Surugiu: Endemic and endangered marine species - arguments for a Red Book of invertebrates.
10.15-10.30 Adrian Teacă, Tatiana Begun, Mihaela Mureşan, Mickhael Vasquez, Valentina Todorova, Roberto Ingilesi.: Broad -scale Circalittoral soft-bottom benthic habitats at the Romanian Black Sea Coast.
10.30- 11.00 Coffee break.
11.00- 12.30 Session 2. Geological researches at the Black Sea.
Moderator: Dan Jipa
11.00-11.15 Dan Jipa, Nicolae Panin: Submarine valleys in the Black Sea Basin. Patterns, Networks, Control factors
11.15-11.30 Gabriel Ion: Sea floor morphology and its shallow structure, indicators of the sea level changes in the Black Sea
11.30-11.45. Mihaela C. Melinte-Dobrinescu, Dan Grigorescu, Andrei Briceag, Rodica Macalet: Middle Miocene rocks and their paleontological content -part of the Southern Dobrogea geological heritage.
11.45-12.00. Antoneta Seghedi: Quantitative assessment of geosites and geodiversity in Northern and Central Dobrogea. A necessary step in geoconservation.
12.00-12.30 Questions and answers for Sessions 1 and 2.
12.30-13.15 Session 3. Conservation and valorisation of the natural heritage of the Black
Moderator Marius Skolka
12.30-12.45 Natașa Văidianu, Florin Iosub, Florin Tătui, Olimpia Pantan-Copăcenaru, Mădălina Popa, Igor Sîrodoev, Andrei Schvab: Using geospatial decision support systems for effective Marine Spatial Planning in Romanian Black Sea.
12.45-13.00 Doinița-Roxana Tîrpan (Cioroiu): Identification of biological active compounds with pharmaceutical importance from Cystoseira barbata species.
13.00-13.15 Romulus-Marian Paiu, Mihaela Mirea-Cândea, Manuela Diana Samaragiu, David Modry , Andrei Daniel Mihalca: Cetacean monitoring and conservation as natural heritage towards a sustainable development Black Sea.
13.15-14.15 Lunch break
14.15- 15.15 Session 4. Nature, history and culture at the Back Sea.
Moderator: Dan Grigorescu
14.15- 14.30 Constantin Haita: The Man and his environment. The Chalcolithic tells from Dobrogea, Romania.
14.30-14.45 Glicherie Caraivan: Submarine Wrecks - as Archaeological Heritage of the Romanian Black Sea Shelf.
14.45-15.00 Laurent Carozza, Constantin Haita, Jean-Michel Carozza , Adrian Balasescu , Valentin Radu, Mihaela Danu, Cristian Micu : Paysages néolithiques submergés dans le Delta du Danube: approches géo-archéologique et bio-archéologiques autour du tell chalcolithique de Taraschina (5000-3500 BC)
15.00-15.15 Valentin Radu: The Lower Danube mollusc assemblages from Chalcolithic settlements (5th millennium BC): zooarchaeological and palaeoenvironment data.
15.15-15.30 Emil Constantinescu: Cultural dialogue and diplomacy at the Black Sea.
15.30-16.00 General conclusions and future measures for endorsing the Nature and Culture holistic approach at the Black Sea.
Rapporteur Dan Grigorescu