Three decades have I awaited an ample and professional debate on this most fundamental of topics

Prof. dr. Victor Neumann Istoric și filosof al culturii Facultatea de Litere, Istorie și Teologie a Universității de Vest din Timișoara



Professor Victor Neumann
Historian and cultural philosopher
Faculty of Letters, History and Theology at “Universitatea de Vest”, Timișoara



I must admit that the concepts of Europe, multi- and interculturalism, multilingualism and cosmopolitanism, culture, ethnoculture, ethnonation, people and nation have all piqued my interest.

For several decades, I have been preoccupied with the study of Europe; I have written about the temptation to become European, from the perspective of Central and South-Eastern Europe, both before and after 1989. Twice was my volume The Temptation of Homo Europaeus, rejected by the Communist censorship; four times was I discharged from the cultural institutions I worked for in the process of writing this book. Nevertheless, after 1989 I published it in four editions in Romanian, two editions in English as well as one each in Spanish and in Serbian.

Three decades have I awaited an ample and professional debate on this most fundamental of topics.

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