Wednesday, September, 15
17.30 Opening Ceremony
Professor emeritus Emil Constantinescu, President of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization
Message of the Rector of the „Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki, Professor Nikolaos Papaioannou
Professor Athanassios Semoglou, the „Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki, the scientific director of the fourth edition of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies
18.00 Professor Athanassios Semoglou (the „Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki), La théophanie paléochretienne et la diffusion du savoir apocalyptique dans le bassin de la Méditerranée
Thursday, September, 16
17.00-18.30 Profesor Ecaterina Lung (University of Bucharest), Historians and their cultural role in Early Byzantium
18.30-19.00 Q&A session
19.00-20.00 Young researchers’session
Dr. Antonio Pio di Cosmo ((Universidad Católica de Cuyo, Argentina, ISACCL), Rethinking the Heaven: the Cretan School of Painter and the Survival of the Soul
PhD candidate Ioannis Siopis (the „Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki, research Fellow of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation – H.F.R.I., Greece ), The Representations of the Heretics in Byzantine Art
Friday, September, 17
15.00-17.00 Young researchers’session
Drd. Olga Vlachou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), The Political Implications of Education Through Michael Choniates’ Network
Drd. Dimitrios Kotsaris (University of Ioanina), Elements of Classical Literary Tradition in the Letters Corpus of Euthymios Malakes
Drd. Olga Gkiouleka (University of Ioanina), Towards A New Critical Edition of Markos Defaaranas’ Poem „Logoi didaktikoi tou patros pros ton uion”
Drd. Andrii Kepsha (Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine), A Centre or a Periphery? Vision of Constantinople in the Crusader's and Rus' sources in the 13th Century
17.00-18.30 Professor Stratis Papaioannou (University of Crete) Textual transmission in Byzantium? The Perspective of the Manuscripts
18.30-19.00 Q&A session
Saturday, September, 18
16.00-17.30 Professor Alexandros Alexakis (University of Ioanina), Learning Networks Connecting Palestine, Rome and Constantinople in the Course of the Seventh and Eight Century
17.30-18.00 Q&A session
Sunday, September, 19
17.00-17.45 Dr. Andra Jugănaru („Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki), Learning Networks in the Cappadocian Fathers’ Letter Collections
17.45-18.00 Q&A session
18.00-19.30 Dr. Anca Dan (CNRS, Paris), The Transmission of the Geographical Knowledge in Byzantium
19.30-20.00 Q&A session
Monday, September, 20
15.30-17.00 Professor Emil Dragnev (Moldova State University), Accumulations et transmission des connaissances iconographique à l'époque post-byzantine (2e moitié du XVe siècle – XVIe siècle)
17.00-18.00 Dr. Mariana Bodnaruk (Al-Quds Bard College), The Transmission of Hagiographic and Iconographic Traditions in Late Antique and Middle Byzantine Period: Case-studies of the Life of Pelagia the Harlot and the Life of Mary of Egypt
18.00-18.30 Q&A session
Tuesday, September, 21
15.00-16.30 Lecturer Manuela Dobre (University of Bucharest), Intellectuals and Culture in the Fifteenth Century Byzantium
16.30-17.00 Q&A session
17.00-18.30 Profesor Claudia Rapp (University of Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences), The Monastery of Saint Catherine of Sinai and Its Manuscripts
18.30-19.00 Q&A session
19.00 Closing of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies and the announce of the fifth edition’s topic (2022) – Dr. Ana-Maria Răducan (ISACCL)