On the last day of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies, the participants heard the communication of Ms. lect. univ. Dr. Manuela Dobre (University of History), "Intellectuals and Culture in 15th Century Byzantium", which set out the cultural and educational landscape of the 15th century, as evidenced by the writings of historians of the time, Critobul and Laonic Chalcocondil, emphasizing Greek nationalism and Westerners' interest in the Greek language.
Finally, the participants enjoyed the presence of the famous Byzantine Claudia Rapp (University of Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences), who participated in the question and answer session that followed her fascinating lecture, entitled "The Monastery of Saint Catherine in Sinai and Its Manuscripts ", which analyzed the impressive collection of manuscripts preserved in the famous monastery, UNESCO site, written in thirty languages of Christendom, highlighting the latest discoveries made from palimpsests. The most spectacular discoveries are a Judeo-Arabic version of Genesis and the Exodus, a mythological poem about the god Dionysos, unknown until now, which will soon be published by drd. Giulia Rosetto.
Dr. Ana-Maria Răducan, the project manager of the Annual School of Byzantine Studies, expressed her gratitude to all those involved in this event and announced the theme of the 5th edition: "Memory and Oblivion in Byzantium".
Thank you very much to all those who have been with us!