Tuesday September 5, 2023


Drd. David Gabriel Carpen (Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea din București)

Day started with the session of Syriac civilization. PhD c. David Gabriel Carpen (Faculty of History, University of Bucharest), who presented the topic „The Hippodrome - "Satan's splendor". Patriarch Severus of Antioch’s Homily against horse racing in 513”. He focused on a less-known figure in Romania, and also on the most popular game in the Byzantine world, in a homily written by patriarch Sever of Antioch, on the occasion of the edict given by emperor Anastasius, who authorized again the organization of the horse racing.


asist. univ. dr. Beniamin Chircan (Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, Universitatea din București)

Then followed the session of Hebrew civilization, with the lecture offered by assist. dr. Beniamin Laurențiu Chircan (Faculty of Foiregn Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest), who highlighted the concepts of virtue and vice, starting from the biblical passages in  Deuteronom 4, 1-9 and Matthew 15, 1-20, which illustrate the link between the exterior ritual and the inner virtue, but also the interdictions marking the limits between sacred and profane, from the Pharisees' perspective and their conflict with Jesus concerning the holiness.


Valentin Cocan (Universitatea din București)

The Greek session started with the seminar organised by Valentin Cocan (University of Bucharest), who read with the students from Classics department ( Irina Tudorache, Sebastian Clinciu, Dimitrie Dalidis) the beginning of the ancient Greek work „Pros Demonikon”, written by the orator Isocrates (fifth century BC). The text highlights the fact that it is more necessary for young people to learn the right way of life rather than the right way of speaking.


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