Cosmogony or the Myth about the Act of Making the World in Classical and Oriental Literatures


Wednesday, September, 1

13.00-14.00 Opening Ceremony

Emeritus Professor Emil Constantinescu, President of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization

Assoc. Professor Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures at the Polish Academy of Science)

Assoc. Professor Maria-Luiza Oancea (University of Bucharest)

Professor Renata Tatomir (“Hyperion” University of Bucharest)

15.00-16.00 Professor Renata Tatomir (“Hyperion” University of Bucharest), Cosmogonic Myths of Pharaonic Egypt

16.00-17.00 Professor Renata Tatomir (“Hyperion” University of Bucharest), Elements of Cosmogonic Lexic from Ancient Egypt


Thursday, September, 2

11.00-12.30 Assistant Professor So Miyagawa (Kyoto University), Reading Cosmogonical Texts Written in Ancient Egyptian and Coptic: From Pyramid Texts to Gnostic and Manichaean Texts


18.00-20.00 Professor John Gee (Brigham Young University, Utah), The Antecedents of the Esna Cosmology


Friday, September, 3

Greek Session – alumni of the first edition of the Annual School of Ancient Greek, Egyptology and Oriental Studies

08.30-10.00 MA Cristian-Ioan Dumitru (University of Bucharest), Leon VI the Philosopher, Homily on the Transfiguration of Christ (seminar)

10.30-12.00 MA Valentin Cocan (University of Bucharest), Theodoret of Cyrus, The Question on Genesis (seminar)


Saturday, September, 4

13.00-14.30 Assoc. Professor Maria-Luiza Oancea (University of Bucharest), Plato, Symposion, 189d-193b (seminar)

14.30-16.00 Assoc. Professor Maria-Luiza Oancea (University of Bucharest), Plato, The political Man, 269c-273c (seminar)


Sunday, September, 5

15.30-17.00 Dr. Ana-Maria Răducan (ISACCL), Genesis 1 (seminar)

17.00-18.00 Dr. Cătălin-Ștefan Popa (ISACCL), On Angels in Syriac Exegesis. Prolegomena on the Creation of the World in the Bible

18.00-19.30 Dr. Anca Dan (CNRS, Paris) – The Invention of Continents


Monday, September, 6

11.00-12.00 Professor Giorgia Cafici (Centro Italiano di Egittologia "Giuseppe Botti"- CIEB), The Function of Ancient Egyptian Sculpture: Statues of Gods and Statues of Humans in Temples and Tombs - Original, Cosmogonical Meanings and Further Syncretic Hermeneutics

12.00-13.00 Professor Giorgia Cafici (Centro Italiano di Egittologia "Giuseppe Botti"- CIEB), The Egyptian Elite as Roman Citizens. Looking at Ptolemaic Private Portraiture

14.00-16.00 Dr. Andreea Ștefan (National Museum of Romanian History), The Cosmos in the Stoic Vision, the Universal Order and the Place of Man Epictetus’ Diatribes, III, 24 (course and seminar)


Tuesday, September, 7

11.00- 12.00 Associated Professor Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska, (Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures at the Polish Academy of Science), The Creator and the Created World in the Pyramid Texts

12.00 -13.00 Associated Professor Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska, (Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures at the Polish Academy of Science), Gods and Monsters as Elements of the Ancient Egyptian Cosmogony according to the Pyramid Texts


17.00-18.30 Emeritus Professor Francisca Băltăceanu (University of Bucharest), The Cosmogony in the Bible

19.00 Closing.

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