The project on “Port cities in the Danubian-Pontic region” began to crystallize in the latter half of 2022 as an independent initiative at the confluence of two other projects led by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization: “The Cultural History of the Balkans”, and “The Lower Danube Civilization from Prehistory to Modernity”.
The project represents an initiative of President Emil Constantinescu that came in response to the inter-institutional efforts that the Levant Institute, in partnership with the Black Sea Universities Network, the Romanian Academy, the University of Bucharest and the “Science and Technology” magazine undertook in order to develop and consolidate a route of cultural events with the theme “Port cities in the Istro-Pontic space”. These efforts will be extended to also include other partners from Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
The “Port cities in the Danubian-Pontic region” project aims to capture and highlight the vocation of ports in the Danubian-Pontic area as spaces of interaction and cultural-civilizational synthesis over the millennia, and aims to establish itself as a solid support for the initiation and development of other programs and projects aimed at increasing cultural and identity cohesion at the regional level through the involvement of the academic and research environment from the Danube’s riverine states through the development of common cultural and educational policies, by increasing the level of responsibility of the social and cultural factors involved in the valorisation of the regional heritage within cultural diplomacy, all in the spirit of reaching sustainable parameters of durable socio-economic development.
Round-table discussion: The Ports of the Danubian-Pontic region. Archaeology, History and Cartography
June 7th, 2023
The National Museum of Old Maps and Books
39 Londra Street, Bucharest, Sector 1
12:00-12:30 – Welcome Coffee
Session I
Introduction to the issue of Danubian-Pontic ports. Geoarchaeology and Cartography
(moderator: Dr Daniela Mihai, ISACCL)
Opening remarks on the conference proceedings
(Dr Mihai-Bogdan Marian, ISACCL)
Dr Mihai-Bogdan Marian (ISACCL)
Danubian-Pontic ports, where eternity finds expression through tradition and diversity alike
Dr Constantin Haită (ISACCL)
Cartographic resources for landscape archaeology research, with special reference to Prehistory
Dr Daniel Iosif (ISACCL)
Chorographia Oriens: five centuries of cartography in the Istro-Pontic space
14:15-14:30 – Coffee Break
Session II
Ports of the Danubian-Pontic region. Archaeology and History
(moderator: Dr Constantin Haită, ISACCL)
Dr Liviu Mihail Iancu (ISACCL)
Interdisciplinary research in the ancient port city of Histria
Dr Daniela Mihai (ISACCL)
Harbour Scaffolding from Orașul de Floci and Hârșova
Dr Valentin Bodea (“Paul Păltănea” Museum of History, Galați)
The influence of the porto-franco regime on the development of the city of Galati
Eugen Grama (National Museum of Maps and Old Books)
The arrangement of the mouths of the Danube and the influence on the port of Sulina – a historical and cartographic perspective
Drd. Ioana Zamfir (National Museum of Maps and Old Books, Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Bucharest)
Cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism – Sulina during the European Danube Commission