For the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, the 8th edition of the Global Baku Forum represented a prime opportunity to reunite with some of its partners for The post-pandemic world. A humanist vision for a sustainable development project, first launched in April of 2020. Dr. Oana Brânda, coordinator of this project together with the president Emil Constantinescu, took the opportunity to organise a series of interviews in Baku with guests invited to speak of their perspective on the world of tomorrow. Will it be a world of sustainable development? A world in which science will team up with the arts and humanities in order to bring about global progress? And what are the lessons of the pandemic?
Ivo Josipović, President of Croatia 2010 – 2015
One of our most important goals is to stop the virus, and that means spreading vaccination as widely as possible. Unfortunately, we today find ourselves in some kind of Middle Ages, where so many people – even educated people – don't believe in vaccination, or don’t trust the science; and so, they don't recognize the obvious consequences. Thus, it is a great responsibility for the media and for politicians to make the reality and the truth known. Only then will we be more capable of predicting how a future human society might function.