For the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, the 8th edition of the Global Baku Forum represented a prime opportunity to reunite with some of its partners for The post-pandemic world. A humanist vision for a sustainable development project, first launched in April of 2020. Dr. Oana Brânda, coordinator of this project together with the president Emil Constantinescu, took the opportunity to organise a series of interviews in Baku with guests invited to speak of their perspective on the world of tomorrow. Will it be a world of sustainable development? A world in which science will team up with the arts and humanities in order to bring about global progress? And what are the lessons of the pandemic?
Garry Jacobs, CEO and chair of the World Academy of Art and Science
National defence is an important issue in some areas; but what about nutritional security, job security, health security, human rights, the rights of migrants or gender equality? All these are integral parts of human security. It is not just about territory or money – it’s about human beings. And I think we are in need of a shift. COVID-19 has given us the opportunity to make clear our real security threats. An invisible microorganism is not an enemy we can defend ourselves from with weapons of mass destruction.