Lessons of the pandemic: Ambassador Volkan Boskir, President of the United Nations’ General Assembly (2020-2021)

Beginning in April of 2020, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization has carried out the "Post-pandemic world. A humanist vision for a sustainable development" project, coordinated by President Emil Constantinescu and Dr. Oana Brânda. In partnership with the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), the „Nizami Ganjavi" International Centre (NGIC), the Marmara Group Foundation for Strategic and Social Research, the Black Sea Universities Network and the Berlin Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, a total of 34 conferences were organized in the intervening period, during which 238 representatives of the global political and academic elite presented a complex and in-depth image of today's world in their attempt to answer what the world of tomorrow might look like.

In an interview given to Dr. Oana Brânda, Ambassador Volkan Boskir, the President of the United Nations' General Assembly (2020-2021) answered the question: What will the United Nations look like after the pandemic?

„The world has never experienced a disaster on this scale, despite having had to deal with innumerable difficulties in the past. Yet the COVID-19 pandemic was exceptional in its uniqueness. The expectation was that the United Nations would act efficiently and effectively. As soon as I took over its leadership, I cautioned that we have 200.000 people worldwide that are risking their lives in order to offer education and aid to people in need, without having the luxury of living in New York or of handling their affairs virtually. The United Nations has a total of 68 platforms, and the General Assembly was the only one that was convened in situ at the time. The Security Council only resumed its activity in May of 2021."

Volkan Bozkir și Emil Constantinescu

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