Dr Mihai Ștefan Stuparu, Ambassador of Romania to Egypt: The reforms could not keep up with the aspirations of the participants to the Arab Spring. We cannot exclude a second Arab Spring occurring in the near future.

Dr. Mihai Ștefan Stuparu, ambasadorul României în Egipt: Reformele nu au reușit să țină pasul cu aspirațiile participanților la Primăvara arabă. În perioada următoare nu putem exclude a doua Primăvară arabă

August 26th, 2020


Researching the fundamental causes which lay behind divergences in the recent past, of which some still persist in an Eastern Mediterranean in which Egypt plays an important role due to its geopolitical and cultural-historic profile, is a worthy goal to which we must all contribute.

The first debate organized as part of the project destined to explore the culture and society of the Levantine states from within focused on Egypt, as the country’s stability significantly influences the stability of the geopolitical neighbourhood, while Egyptian culture and history are highly important for the culture of the globe.

The Ambassador of Romania to the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Mihai Stuparu, is a career diplomat and a specialist in human rights, with a PhD in Administrative Sciences. He was Romania’s Ambassador to Qatar, Iraq, Australia and New Zealand, the head of the European Union delegation to Abu Dhabi.

Many of the legal-administrative realities documented in the Arab states His Excellency served in over the course of his diplomatic activity in the Middle East were analysed in a volume titled The Issue of Human Rights in the Arab Gulf States („Problematica Drepturilor Omului în Statele Arabe din Golf”, IRDO, Bucharest, 2011). He is the author of numerous studies, articles and book reviews published in journals based in Egypt, Qatar, Australia, New Zealand and Romania in English, French, Arabic and Romanian.

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