The “River – Delta – Sea Systems. Celebrating 25 years of the National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology: GeoEcoMar” International Conference

 November 15th – 16th 2018

The President of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, Emil Constantinescu, was a guest of honour at the event marking the 25th anniversary of the creation of the GeoEcoMar institute. There, he presented the projects on “Dobrogea – Witness to the Millennial Civilizations of the Levant” and “Dobrogea – A Bridge between the Civilizations of Western Europe and those of the Far East”, underlining the importance of marine archaeology to the successful completion of both these projects.

140 years since its unification with Romania, it can be argued that the “Dobrogea Project” was a success of the Romanian political class which re-aligned the region, with beneficial results. Notable among these are the development of the exploitation of metallic and non-metallic mineral resources in the region and later, in the second half of the 20th century, the exploitation of the oil and natural gas reserves located in the North-Western Black Sea Shelf. A particular impetus was given to scientific research on the geological heritage of Dobrogea. With the creation of the GeoEcoMar institute in 1993 under the leadership of Academician Nicolae Panin, this research was expanded upon to include the Black Sea, the Danube Delta and the Danube corridor.

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