The National Institute of Heritage, in partnership with the Museum of National History and Archeology Constanța, Constanța County Council, Hârșova City Hall, the Turkish Democratic Union of Romania, together with the University of Bucharest - Faculty of History, the Institute of Advanced Studies for the Culture and Civilization of the Levant, initiates the first edition of the Summer School at Cetatea Carsium, archaeological site of value group A (Hârșova, Constanța county). The first edition, coordinated by Dr. Daniela Mihai, is scheduled for September 5-9, 2022.
Hârșova is a place where culture and nature met in a happy way, creating a picturesque place worth visiting. With a fascinating history, Hârșova is a town dating back seven millennia. In the south-eastern part of the town, on the bank of the Danube, there is a Neo-Eneolithic settlement (tell). The following ages are well illustrated. Several Bronze and Iron Age settlements were also discovered here.
In the second half of the 1st century AD a fortification known as Carsium was built. The fortress was destroyed during the great invasions and rebuilt as many times as it was destroyed. It is possible that in the 13th century the settlement was under Genoese administration. In the 14th century, during the reign of Mircea the Elder, the town became part of the Wallachia. Between the 15th century and the first part of the 19th century it an Ottoman fortification. The city knows a great flourishing.
We know quite a few details about the Ottoman habitation in Hârșova, most of which come from archaeological investigations. When talking about the Ottoman Mahala, the layout of the houses, details of their construction techniques and materials, we know almost nothing because of the overlap of contemporary housing. Most of the archaeological evidence of the Ottoman material culture is represented by the numerous fragments of Iznik pottery, discovered inside the citadel, as well as whole or fragmentary pipes, or fragments of weapons and cannonballs, testimonies of fully documented oriental customs, but also by the turbulent history of the place.
Testimony of the existence of the community that lived (and still lives) in Hârșova, the Ottoman necropolis classified as a historical monument, stretches in the northeastern part of the city, with groups of graves still visible. The necropolis was used until the first half of the 20th century, but it dates from an earlier era, probably the 16th-17th centuries. It has not been archaeologically researched or inventoried, although it represents an important point of tourist attraction and could constitute a visiting objective for a cultural-touristic and religious route.
The Turkish community is present in Hârșova and will be our partner during the Summer School.
The enormous potential for the development of cultural tourism in Hârșova also determined its inclusion in the Ancient Fortress Routes in Constanța County, proposed by the Constanța County Council and certified at the National level Also, Hârșova is included on the route In the footsteps of ancient European civilization - Hamangia culture - archaeological route - recognized at regional and cross-border level Romania - Bulgaria ( .
The summer school will give you the opportunity to discover a beautiful place and will give you the opportunity to meet researchers, archaeologists, historians, specialists, to learn about the techniques and methods of archaeological research, as well as ways of knowing and protecting cultural heritage. You will have the unique opportunity to meet a natural, landscape and paleontological heritage of exceptional value, almost unknown in Romania.
The aim of the Summer School is the knowledge and learning of archaeology, archaeological research, methods and techniques, non-invasive and interdisciplinary investigations that contribute to the understanding, knowledge and protection of an archaeological site, as well as to the protection and promotion of historical monuments and natural heritage. We will present and discuss cases of good practice in the restoration of archaeological sites (ruins).
Together with our partners, we will initiate sanitation and inventory actions in the Ottoman necropolis, which will be completed with a catalog that will include data about the necropolis, the medieval fortress and the window from Hârșova.
Another important topic that we will address refers to the enormous development potential of Hârșova through the articulation of a varied cultural tourism.
Last but not least, we want to pave the way for a constructive dialogue between public authorities, the community, future specialists and young people, who we want to attract in this common effort to learn about and protect historical monuments and natural heritage.
The summer school is addressed to pupils, students and young people who have concerns and activities in the fields of: history, archaeology, cultural heritage, anthropology, nature, but also culture enthusiasts and those close to cultural and natural heritage.
Costs and conditions of participation:
There is no participation fee for the Summer School. The number of participants will be a maximum of 20 people, the rest of those who wish to participate will cover all their accommodation, transport and meal expenses. The expenses related to accommodation and meals, study, work and protection equipment will be provided by the organizers. The costs of travel to Hârșova and return will be borne by the participants. The selection of participants will be based on the submission of a CV by August 20, 2022, to the email;;