The Global Campaign on Human Security for All (#HS4A) - a campaign launched by the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) and the UN Trust Fund for Human Security - is a partner and prominent participant in #EarthX2023, the world's largest environmental exhibition , which will take place in Dallas, Texas from April 19-23, 2023, with an estimated audience of 120,000 visitors.
EarthX Expo is held annually around Earth Day and it brings together environmental organizations, businesses, academic institutions, government agencies, subject matter experts, students, farmers and hundreds of thousands of people. Since the original event held in 2011, EarthX Expo has evolved over the years to be the largest gathering dedicated to ecology in the world.
Earthx2023 offers both a successful business networking platform and a fun, family-friendly exhibition experience. Participants will gain valuable informations about green goods, tips on how to use resources more efficiently and links to environmental charity groups
The World Academy of Arts and Sciences participates in this event to present, as part of the Human Security for All (#HS4A) project, the critical impact of threats to the environment and the security of every human being and to promote rapid steps to meet this challenge. Participation includes presentations by 10 members of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences: Ketan Patel (Chair, Force for Good); Chantal Line Carpentier (Head, Trade, Environment, Climate Change & Sustainable Development Branch, UNCTAD Geneva Office); Jon Miller (former director of AOL & Partner and Advancit Capital); Walton Stinson (CEO, ListenUp); Marc Buckley (Founder, ALOHAS Regenerative Foundation); Amanda Ellis (Executive Director, Asia-Pacific for the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation, ASU); Garry Jacobs (President & CEO, WAAS)
How and why was this project of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences born? Human security focuses on individuals and what it means to be safe for each of us. This involves protection from harmful events and disasters in our environment, workplaces, communities and homes. Furthermore, it is about our desires, aspirations and chances to reach our full potential in helping those around us, especially those of us who are more vulnerable. Human security gives people the ability to actively decide how they can be safer and more resilient in the face of potential conflicts. Policies and solutions help people on several sides of human security, but when a crisis strikes, it has a wide range of effects on us.
National or military security can no longer be the sole objective of security. All aspects of human well-being must be considered, including health, nutrition, employment, high living standards, education, public trust and social tolerance. These are all included in the concept of human security, and because of this, positive steps can be taken to address challenges such as pandemics and climate change.
Having the indiviual at the center of development is central to the concept of human security. It is an unifying idea that acts as a fundamental frame of reference to enhance the achievement of a wide range of important societal goals.
The list of sessions and presentations, as well as other details can be accessed at this link: