Debate on “Determinants for formulating the new world order: conflict or dialogue of civilizations”

Bucharest, 30 March 2018

President Emil Constantinescu referred to the role cultural diplomacy may have in creating a culture of peace at global level: “Why do we need cultural diplomacy, this relatively new concept, which the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Civilization is trying to represent with passion and devotion? My answer is: because the world is changing. And if the world is changing, then politics, in its initial meaning by Greek thinkers, to serve the interests of the community, should also change”. The event organized by the European Romanian-Pan-Arabic Cultural Centre (CCERPA) in cooperation with the Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Studies and Dialogue (CSDII) - Bucharest University and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Civilization (ISACCL) had as special guest Mr. Samir Al-Ghatas, a member of the Egyptian Parliament, President of the Middle East Forum for Political and Strategic Studies.

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