Cooperation protocol between the Institute for Advanced Studies for the Levant Culture and Civilization and the Institute for Science, Culture and Spirituality of the “Ovidius” University of Constanța (29th August 2018)

Andreea Grecu-Ciupală, PhD, General Manager of IASLCC and Professor Daniela Țurcanu-Caruțiu, PhD, Executive Manager of the Institute for Science, Culture and Spirituality signed a cooperation protocol in order to be able to organize joint activities in the fields of cultural heritage, history, archaeology, art and education.

The projects in which the Institute of Advanced Studies for the Levant Culture and Civilization and the Institute for Science, Culture and Spirituality  of the ”Ovidius” University of Constanța shall work together are the following: ”The Annual School of Byzantine Studies”, ”Dobrogea – Witness of the Millenial Civilizations of the Levant” and ”Levant – Bridge between the Civilizations of the Western Europe and the Far East”.

Protocol de colaborare între Institutul de Studii Avansate pentru Cultura și Civilizația Levantului și Institutul de Știință, Cultură și Spiritualitate al Universității „Ovidius” din Constanța (29 august 2018)