Program of the Symposium “Nature and Culture at the Black Sea”

Symposium Nature and Culture at the Black Sea

Program of the Symposium

"Nature and Culture at the Black Sea"

Side event organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization
within the SUST-BLACK Conference
9 May 2019, Romanian Parliament, Constantin Stere Hall

9.00-9.15 Key note speaker  Nikolaos Theodossiou : Social aspects of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
9.15-9.30  Key note speaker Alen Amirkhanian: Armenia's Natural Assets and Risks: Prospects for Biophilic and Resilient Society.

9.30 -10.30 Session 1.  Importance of the biological and ecological researches for a sustainable development at the Black Sea.
Moderator Mihaela Melinte

9.30-9.45 Luis Popa, Oana Popa: Grigore Antipa-founder of the biological researches at the Black Sea in Romania.
9.45-10.00 Marius Skolka: Risk factors and sustainable development at the western Black Sea Coast.
10.00 -10.15 Marius Skolka, Adrian Teacă,Tatiana Begun,Mihaela Mureşan,Victor Surugiu: Endemic and endangered marine species - arguments for a Red Book of invertebrates.
10.15-10.30 Adrian Teacă, Tatiana Begun, Mihaela Mureşan, Mickhael Vasquez, Valentina Todorova, Roberto Ingilesi.: Broad -scale Circalittoral soft-bottom benthic habitats at the Romanian Black Sea Coast.
10.30- 11.00 Coffee break.

11.00- 12.30 Session 2. Geological researches at the Black Sea.
Moderator:  Dan Jipa

11.00-11.15 Dan Jipa, Nicolae Panin: Submarine valleys in the Black Sea Basin. Patterns, Networks, Control factors
11.15-11.30 Gabriel Ion: Sea floor morphology and its shallow structure, indicators of the sea level changes in the Black Sea
11.30-11.45. Mihaela C. Melinte-Dobrinescu, Dan Grigorescu, Andrei Briceag, Rodica Macalet:  Middle Miocene rocks and their paleontological content -part of the Southern Dobrogea geological heritage.
11.45-12.00. Antoneta Seghedi: Quantitative assessment of geosites and geodiversity in Northern and Central Dobrogea. A necessary step in geoconservation.
12.00-12.30 Questions and answers for Sessions 1 and 2.

12.30-13.15 Session 3. Conservation and valorisation of the natural heritage of the Black
Moderator Marius Skolka

12.30-12.45 Natașa Văidianu, Florin Iosub, Florin Tătui, Olimpia Pantan-Copăcenaru, Mădălina Popa, Igor Sîrodoev, Andrei Schvab: Using geospatial decision support systems for effective Marine Spatial Planning in Romanian Black Sea.
12.45-13.00 Doinița-Roxana Tîrpan (Cioroiu): Identification of biological active compounds with pharmaceutical importance from Cystoseira barbata species.
13.00-13.15 Romulus-Marian Paiu, Mihaela Mirea-Cândea, Manuela Diana Samaragiu, David Modry , Andrei Daniel Mihalca: Cetacean monitoring and conservation as natural heritage towards a sustainable development Black Sea.
13.15-14.15 Lunch break

14.15- 15.15 Session 4. Nature, history and culture at the Back Sea.
Moderator:   Dan Grigorescu

14.15- 14.30 Constantin Haita: The Man and his environment. The Chalcolithic tells from Dobrogea, Romania.
14.30-14.45 Glicherie Caraivan: Submarine Wrecks - as Archaeological Heritage of the Romanian Black Sea Shelf.
14.45-15.00 Laurent Carozza, Constantin Haita, Jean-Michel Carozza , Adrian Balasescu , Valentin Radu, Mihaela Danu, Cristian Micu : Paysages néolithiques submergés dans le Delta du Danube: approches géo-archéologique et bio-archéologiques autour du tell chalcolithique de Taraschina (5000-3500 BC)
15.00-15.15  Valentin Radu: The Lower Danube mollusc assemblages from Chalcolithic settlements (5th millennium BC): zooarchaeological and palaeoenvironment data.
15.15-15.30 Emil Constantinescu: Cultural dialogue and  diplomacy at the Black Sea.

15.30-16.00 General conclusions and future measures for endorsing the Nature and Culture holistic approach at the Black Sea.

Rapporteur Dan Grigorescu

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