November 29th, 2018
National Museum of Geology, Bucharest
9.30 – 10.00 Opening addresses from the organizers of the event:
Emil Constantinescu, President of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization;
Sorin Rugină, Rector of the “Ovidius” University in Constanţa;
Delia Dumitraş, National Museum of Geology
10.00 – 10.20 Valentin Ciorbea: 140 years since Dobrogea’s Unification with Romania
10.20 – 10.35 Dan Grigorescu: The “Dobrogea – Witness to the Millennial Civilizations of the Levant” project
10.35 – 11.00 Marius Skolka, Dan Grigorescu: Travel Diaries through 2018’s Dobrogea; Ionuț Scutelnicu: Film presentation.
11.00 – 11.45 Coffee break
Visiting the “Stone quarries, citadels and archaeological monuments of Dobrogea” exhibition
11.45-14.00 Scientific communiques – section on Ethnography, History and Dobrogean Archaeology
11.45 – 14.00 Tasin Gemil: The Tatar Community in Romania is in Grave Peril
12.00 – 12.15 Tuşa Enache: The Sociological Research of Royal Student Teams in Dobrogean Villages
12.15 – 12.25 Daniela – Mirela Pleşoianu: Cultural Aspects of Dobrogea (poster)
12.25 – 12.35 Ştefan Manolescu: The Perception of Dobrogean Communities seen through Illustrated Postcards (poster)
12.35 – 12.50 Ioan Carol Opriş: Capidava – the Citadel on the Bend of the Danube. A Millennium of History
12.50 – 13.05 Valentina Cetean, Valeriu Sîrbu, Magdalena Ștefan, Dan Ștefan, Alexandra Teodor, Mihai Ionescu, Anișoara Sion, Florentina Martiș, Alexandru Hălbac: Geo-Archaeology in the Tumular Landscape of Ancient Kallatis: the Hellenistic Funerary Monument at Movila Doamnei (Southern Dobrogea)
13.05 – 13.20 Mirela Paraschiv: Dobrogean Citadels and Regional Development
13.20 – 13.30 Andrei Schvab, Igor Sîrodoev, Natașa Tătui-Văidianu, Mirela Paraschiv, George Cracu, Irina Florea-Saghin: Some Aspects of the Geopolitical Role Played by Major Transport Infrastructure in Dobrogea (poster)
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch Buffet
14.30 – 16.00 Scientific communiques and posters – section on the Conservation of the Natural Environment
14.30 – 14.45 Alexandra Telea, Theodor Sebastian Topliceanu, Dragoș Bălășoiu, Robert Șerban: Biodiversity in Quarries – a Case Study of Iglicioara Quarry
14.45 – 15.00 Geanina Fănaru, Alexandra Elena Șoimu: The Impact Factors on Protected Areas in Romania (poster and intervention)
15.00 – 15.15 Sabina E. Ochiana, Ruben Iosif, Florina Stănescu, Dan Cogălniceanu: Common Strategies for the Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage on Archaeological Sites
15.15 – 15.25 Daciana Sava: Habitats of „Nature 2000” Marine Sites on the Romanian Coast (poster)
15.25 – 15.35 Marius Făgăraș: Habitats and Plant Species of Conservational Interest along the Black Sea Coastline
15.35 – 15.45 Marius Lungu: Dobrogea’s Climatic Individuality (poster)
15.45 – 16.00 George-Marius Cracu: The Touristic Potential of Northern Dobrogea (poster and intervention)
16.00 – 17.00 General Discussion