Call for Contributors. The Sixth International Conference on the Future of Education: Education for Human Security

Between March 7th and 9th 2023, the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) is organizing the Sixth International Conference on the Future of Education: Education for Human Security, in partnership with the World University Consortium (WUC), the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest (SNSPA) and the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN).

The event organizers invite potential contributors to propose session topics, discussion questions, ideas and strategies to address specific needs, as well as proposals for special sessions to include specific expert speakers. Proposals from the public, of no more than 250 words each, may be submitted for consideration online via the submission form provided, no later than January 10th, 2023.

Intended to be an interactive exchange of views focusing on key questions, issues, opportunities, challenges and solutions, the event is the sixth such summit organized by the World Academy on the future of education, following those held at the University of California Berkeley (2013), in Rome (2015), Rio de Janeiro (2017), Belgrade (2019) and online (in 2021). The conference will include special sessions on various pressing issues, moderated debates, multimedia presentations, round-table discussions and scientific paper presentations on the following main themes: emerging threats to human security; the need for a new paradigm in higher education; the failure of education to address human security issues; the role of education in promoting human security; the seven dimensions of human security; the origins, evolution and future of the human security concept; characteristics of the human security approach; education for human security and common security; discipline-specific education for human security; school education for human security; non-formal education for human security; the process of transforming education for human security. The proceedings of the International Conference will later be collected in a volume to be published by Springer.

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