March 6th-8th 2019, University of Bucharest, Constantin Stoicescu Hall
Round table on the theme of “Panait Istrati, Romanian writer, Levantine author”

Conference marking the launch of the “Dobrogea – Witness to the Millennial Civilizations of the Levant” project

November 29th, 2018, National Museum of Geology, Bucharest, CONFERENCE PROGRAMME
3rd Levantine Heritage International Conference ”The Levantines: Identities and Heritage”
November 2nd-3rd, 2018
Exploratory workshop
October 29th-30th, 2018
Conference ”Research regarding the relationships between Romania and Turkey between 1878 and 2018”

25 september 2018
Conference “Solidarity of Empathy for Peace”

Conference ”Dobrogea – Witness of the Millenial Civilizations of the Levant. Bridge Between the Civilizations of the Western Europe and the Far East”
Constanța, 21-23 June 2018
The Conference “The Levant Initiative for Global Peace: through Cultural Diplomacy towards a Sustainable Peace”

20th – 21st of November 2017, The Parliament of Romania, Bucharest
The Bucharest Forum: ”The Levant – the Cradle of Cultural Diplomacy. Re-discovering the Mediterranean”
May 24-25 2013, The Parliament of Romania, Bucharest
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