Professor emeritus, Honorary president of the Senate in the University of Bucharest
Member of the Board of World Academy of Art and Science and of the Board of Directors of the World University Consortium
President of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin 2011 – 2017
Founder and President of the Romanian Academic Forum 2008 – present
Rector of the University of Bucharest, president the National Council of Rectors, 1992-1996
- Diploma in Legal Sciences, Faculty of Law, Bucharest University, 1960
- Diploma in Geology, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Bucharest University, 1966
- Doctor in Geology, Bucharest University; Doctor ès Sciences, Duke University, USA
- Honorary President, Bucharest University Senate, 1996 to present
- Rector (President), Bucharest University, 1992 - 1996
- Chairman, National Council of Universities’ Rectors, 1992 - 1996
- Vice-Rector (Vice-President), Bucharest University, 1990 - 1992
- Professor of Mineralogy and Christallography, Faculty of Geology, Bucharest University, 1991 to present
- Visiting Professor, Natural Sciences Department, Duke University, North Carolina, USA, 1991 - 1992
- Associate Professor, lecturer in Crystallography, Mineralogy, Petrography and Physical Methods of Minerals Analysis, Bucharest University, 1966 - 1990
- Junior judge, District Court, Pitesti, 1960 - 1961
- Head of Thermal Analysis Laboratory, Faculty of Geology, Bucharest University, 1970 – 1982
- Head of X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory, Faculty of Geology, Bucharest University, 1980 – 1987
- Scientific Counsellor, Geological Exploration Company, Bucharest, 1987 - 1990
- Nine rare minerals, so far unknown in Romania – Identified and fully described: clintonite, idaite, siegenite, kalsilite, crandalite, kobellite, scorodite, coloradoite
- A new hypothesis on the metasomatic origin of micrographic intergrowths - Model of skarn mineralogenesis under recurrent variations of CO2 pressure
- Several genetic models of manganese minerals association and of RE and uranium minerals association in metamorphic formations
- Alpine veins on the territory of Romania – Identification and Description
- Fractal features of dendrites
- First Crystallographic Atlas of Romania
- The scientific collection MINERALS OF ROMANIA at the Bucharest University: samples, crystals, thin sections, polished sections
- Project for a new Faculty of Geology and Geography, University of Algiers, Algeria, co-author, 1980
- Oxford and Cambridge Universities; British Geological Survey, Nottingham, Royal Geological Society, United Kingdom;
- Berkeley University; Stanford University; Harvard University, Georgetown University, Washington D.C; Columbia University, New York; Indiana University, Bloomington; University of South California, Los Angeles; "National Geographic" Society, Washington, USA
- Tubingen, Ausburg, Munich, Karlsruhe Universities, Germany
- Sorbonne University, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France
- Turku University; Geological Survey of Finland, Helsinki, Finland
- Caroline University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Patras University, Polytechnic University Athens, Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece
- Beijing University; Institute of Mineralogy, Guyang; Geological Institute of Chinese Academy, Beijing, China
- Rio de Janeiro University, Sao Paolo University, Brazil
- Catholic University, Buenos Aires
- Sydney University, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
- National University, Cairo; Alexandria University, American University in Cairo, Library of Alexandria , Egypt
- Mining and Geology Institute, Zagreb, Maribor University, Croatia
- Universities in Warsaw and Cracow, East European Institute, Lublin, Poland
- Amsterdam and Maastricht Universities, Netherlands
- Nobel Institute, Oslo, Norway.
- Member in the Board of Directors World University Consortium since 2013
- Fellow (2010) and member in the Board of Trustees of the World academy of Art and Science (2011)
- Member in the Board of Trustees of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt, since 2015
- President of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin since 2011
- President and founder of the Romanian Academic Forum, Bucharest, 2008
- Member, Council of the International Organisation of La Francophonie, Paris, 2004
- "National Geographic" Society, USA, since 1998
- Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, since 1996
- Society for Geologic Resources, Japan, since 1996
- Geography Society, France, since 1996
- Geological Society of Greece, since 1995
- International Association of Universities Presidents (IAUP), 1994 –1996
- German Mineralogists Society, since 1993
- European Universities Association (CRE), Steering Committee, 1992-1993; re-elected 1994-1998
- Mineralogical Society of America, since 1992
- British Geological Society, since 1991
- National Committee of Romanian Geologists, since 1991
- High Commission for Academic Degrees Accreditation, Romania, 1990 –1996
- President of the Civic Academy, Bucharest, 1991-1992
- Spokesman for Solidaritatea Universitara, Bucharest, 1990-1992
- Editorial Board, Geological Review of the Romanian Academy, since 1988
- Romanian Geological Society, General Secretary, 1987-1990, 1990-1993
- Oslo Freedom Forum in New York, Human Rights Foundation, NewYork, September 2017
- The Future of the Free World Order. Strategic Dialogue, Concordia Annual Summit, New York, September 2017
- International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UN, New York, September 2017
- International Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics High Level Forum in Italian senate, Rome, September 2017
- World Justice Forum V, Hague, July 2017
- Shaping a Culture of Peace in Europe, Sydney University, June 2017
- Berlin International Human Rights Congress 2017, May 2017
- First International Conference on Anticipatio, Agency and Complexity, Trento, May 2017
- Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy Promoting Global Human Rights through Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, December 2016
- Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Social Power, Dubrovnik, November 2016
- International Symposium on Cultural diplomacy in Arab World – political, economic and cultural dimension, Berlin, July 2016
- Role of the inter-religious and inter- cultural dialogue in today’s world, Iran, May 2016
- Cultural Diplomacy in Higher Education, Berlin, May 2016
- ICD 2015 Annual Advisory Board Meeting & Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, December 2015
- Science, Technology, Innovation and Social Responsibility, Geneva and Rome, November 2015
- Framework for a New Paradigm of Human Development, Baku, April 2015
- 15th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, December 2014
- A World without Walls: Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity, Berlin, Germania, November 2014
- New Paradigm of Sustainable Human Development, Almaty, Kazakhstan, November 2014
- Oslo Freedom Forum 2014, Norway, October 2014
- The World Alliance of Religions for Peace, Seul, September 2014
- Levant initiative – history and context, Global Summit, UNESCO, Paris, July 2014
- The XI International Colloquium Global Crisis and Changes of Paradigms, Brazil, may 2014
- Global Summit, ONU New York, March 2014
- African Union Summit, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, January 2014
- South Eastern Europe and the future of the European Union. Collaboration between universities”, Dag Hammarsjkold University, Zagreb, Croatia, October 2013
- The World Academy Forum on Global Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, SUA, October 2013
- International and intercultural relations: building bridges between Europe, USA, Russia and China, Berlin, September 2013
- Opportunities & Challenges for the 21st Century: Need for a New Paradigm, Washington and Ottawa, September 2013
- Opportunities & Challenges for the 21st Century-Need for a New Paradigm, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2013
- Human Rights Protection and International Law: The Multifaceted Dilemma of Restraining and Promoting International Interventions, Reykjavik, Island, April 2013
- Strengthening the rule of law, Lilongwe, Malawi, March 2013
- Science and technology: the impact on society and economy, Trieste, March 2013
- Berlin International Economics Congress 2013, Berlin, March 2013
- International Berlin Gathering – Myths, religions and politics in the Balkans, Berlin, July 2009
- Congress of the Romanian - American Academy – Uncertainty, a continuous challenge for modern culture and science, Sibiu, June 2009
- International Conference UNESCO-CEPES - A Higher Education for a Democratic Society in the XXI Century, Bucharest, May 2009
- Freedom Forum- The Pedagogy of Suffering and the Lesson of Freedom, Oslo, May 2009
- Conference of the East West Institute – World financial crisis. AN historical chance for a new political project, New York, October 2008
- International Conference of World Justice Forum- Rule of law – a fundamental choice for individual and nations, Vienne, July 2008
- Conference on History of Religions – The presence of Islam in Europe, Bucharest, May 2008
- Conference of the Strategic International Relations Institute (IRIS) - Francofonie and francofilie – between communication tool and way of life, Paris, May 2008.
- Forum "Europe - Ukraine"- The relationship between Ukraine and European Union – hopes and challenges, Kiev, February 2008
- Global Forum of the New Democracies Taipei- Opening Speech, January 2008
- International Conference Women’ Changing Role in a Changing World - Budapest, November 2007
- International conference of the Balkan Political Club – Responsibilities for future generation - Sofia, October 2007
- World Justice Project- The rule of law as a way of life, Prague, July 2007
- Eurasian Economic Summit- Cooperation Opportunities in Eurasia: from the vicious circle of underdevelopment to the vicious circle of the sustainable development, Istanbul, May 2007
- Forum for Democracy and Free Trade – From Aladdin’s Lamp to a modus vivendi in globalised world, Doha, Qatar, April 2007
- East West Institute- Conference Crisis Management – a success in Romania, Istanbul, December 2006
- Conference „The first two years of the new UE members”- Europe of the 27 and the future challenges, Budapest - December 2006
- Balkan Political Club- PECO and francofonie in the globalised world. Era of the success: education, Sofia - September 2006
- Institute for Peace Studies in Alexandria- February 2006
- World Energy Congress – „Sustainability. Living in One World”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001
- Conference of the International Association of Universities Presidents – „The University of the 21st Century. Towards a New Ethics of Responsibility”, Brussels, Belgium, 1999
- Symposium on Cultural Values and Human Progress – „The Borders of civilizations: Clash or Dialogue”, Harvard University, USA, 1999
- European Universities Association Conference – „University Politics for Europe”, Budapest, Hungary, 1994
- European Conference – „Perspectives of Higher Education Reform in Central and Eastern Europe”, Menaggio, Italy, 1993
- European Community Conference – „The European Community and the Balkans”, Corfu Island, Greece, 1993
- European Conference – „The Universities in the Service of Students Development”, Barcelona, Spain, 1993
- Transatlantic Conference of American and European Rectors (ACE/CRE) – „New Demands, Enduring Values: The Challenge of Human Resources”, Williamsburg, USA, 1993
- Conference AUPELF-UREF – „Jours des reflections sur les filières francophones”, Paris, France, 1992
- International Symposium on International Policy and Strategy, München, Germany, 1992
- International Conference on Geological Research in Eastern European Countries, London, United Kingdom, 1991
- European Conference on Technology – „Integration of Technology Assessment and Humanities in Engineering Education”, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1991
- UNESCO Conference on The Blue Danube Ecological Programme, Vienna, Austria, 1990
- Balkan Rectors’ Conference on University Education and Research Interaction, Istanbul, Turkey, 1990
- International Symposium on Gold Geology, Shenyang, China, 1989
- International Symposium on Genesis of Minerals, Heidelberg, Germany, 1983
- XIIIth Congress of the International Association of Mineralogy, Varna, Bulgaria, 1982
- Conference of the International Association of Mineralogy, Orléans, France, 1980
- International Congress of Geology, Paris, France, 1980
- Mineral resources of Romania, Vol. 1, Industrial Minerals and Useful Rocks, Romanian Academy Press, coordinator together with Nicolae Anastasiu, Bucharest 2015, 546p.
- Mineralogy in the System of Earth Sciences, Imperial College Press, London, 1999, 384 p.
- Mineral Genesis of Skarns of Sasca Montana, in Romanian, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Press, 1980, 170 p.
- Determination of Opaque and Transparent Minerals, in Romanian, Bucharest University Press, 1979, 183 p.
- Mineralogy. Treatise, in Romanian, Bucharest, Didactica Press, 1979, 927 p., co-authors Ianovici V.,Stiopol V.
- Principles of Classification and Systematisation of Minerals, in Romanian, Bucharest University Press, 1979, 120 p., co-author Stiopol V.
- Rare Ores, in Romanian, Bucharest, Publishing House Grand, 1999, 316 p., co-author Matei L.
- Determinative Mineralogy, in Romanian, Bucharest University Press, 1996, 550 p., co-author Matei L.
- Physical Properties and Chemistry of Minerals, in Romanian, Bucharest University Press, 1983, 223 p., co-authors Ianovici V., Stiopol V.
- Methods of Physical Analysis of Minerals and Rocks, in Romanian, Bucharest University Press, 1986, co-authors Matei L., Cioran A., Crăciun C.
- Crystallography – Mineralogy, in Romanian, Bucharest University Press, 1990, co-authors Fabian C., Ştefan L.
- Mining Engineer's Textbook, Chapter on Crystallography and Mineralogy, in Romanian, Bucharest, Technical Press, 1984
Scientific studies in periodicals. Selection
- Metasomatic Origin of some Intergrowths, American Mineralogist, vol. 57, no. 5-6, pp. 932-940, 1972, co-author Şeclăman M.
- Tectonostructural position of foidic rocks in Romanian Carpathians, Révue Roumaine, Série de Géologie, Tome 27, p. 13, Romanian Academy Press, 1982, co-author: Anastasiu N.
- Some Features of Ore Fabric, Ore Genesis, The State of the Art, pp. 784-793, Springler Verlag, Heidelberg, London, New York, 1982, co-author Udubaşa Gh.
- Particularités cristallographiques, optiques et chimico-structurelles de l'adulaire cantonnée dans les filons alpins de Roumanie; Contributions au "problème de l'adulaire", Travaux du 12-ème Congres de l'Association Geologique Carpatho-Balcanique, An. Inst. Geol. Geofiz. LXII, pp. 9-18, 1983, co-author Săbău G.
- Mineralogy of Alpine Veins from the Romanian Carpathians, An Inst. Geol. Geofiz. LXIV, Special Issue, The 27th International Congress on Geology, pp. 33-43, Moscow, 1984, co-author Săbău G.
- Isomorphism and Chemical Peculiarities of Some Ludwigites and Szaibelytes from Romania, Proceedings of International Geological Congress, Kyoto, 1992, co-author Marincea Şt.
- About Fractal Features of Iron and Manganese Hydroxides Dendrites, Abs. of 30th International Geol. Congress, Beijing, China, p. 490, Beijing, 1996, co-authors Pălăşeanu E., Milutinovici S., Caracaş R.
- Pyrophylite in Anchimetamorphic Schists of the Parâng Mountains, Southern Carpathians, Romania; Petrogenetic Significance, Crystal Chemistry of Minerals, Schweizerb. Verlagbuchhandlung Stuttgart-New York, 1987, co-author Popescu Gh.
- Gold Mineralogy in Romania, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Gold Geology, Publishing House of North University Schenyang, China, 1989.
- First Occurrence of Coloradoite in Romania, Révue Roumaine, Série des Géologie, Tome 36, pp. 33-34, Bucureşti, 1992, co-author Popescu Gheorghe
- Bi-Mineral Assemblages in Copper Ore Deposits in South-Western Banat, Romania, Abs. suppl. no.1 to Terra Nova 5, p. 443, Strasbourg, 1993, co-author Şimon Gr.
- Ditrau Alkaline Massif, a petrogenetic perspective, ed. Univ. Bucharest, Geology, XLIII, Bucharest, 1994, co-author Anastasiu N.
- Plagioclase Feldspats in the Banatites from Maidan-Oravita, Romania, An. Univ. Bucharest, Geology, XLIII, Bucharest, 1994, co-author Bindea Gabriel
- Measuring the fractal dimension of ferrum and manganese hydroxides dendrites, Romanian Review of Mineralogy, nr. 77, p. 13, Bucharest, 1995, co-authors Pălăşeanu E., Milutinovici S., Caracaş R.
- Relatively Unoxidized Vivianite in Limnic Coal from Căpeni, Baraolt Basin, Romania, Canadian Mineralogist 35, 3, p. 713, Ontario, Canada, 1997, co-authors Marincea Şt., Ladriere I.
- Alpine Granitoid Series and Associated Mineralisation in the Carpathian - Balkan Fold Belt, Journal of Resource Geology, Tokio, Japan, 1998, co-authors Berza T., Vlad Ş. N.
- New Data on Ardealite from the Type Socality (the Dry Cioclovina Cove, Sureonu Mountains), Romania, Geo 2005- Proceedings, Rosia Montana, co-authors Dumitros
- 36 geological reports; 5 geological expertises; 3 geological maps
- Tetralogy Time of tearing down, time of building.
Volume I: The two sides of the wall, Bucharest, Universalia Publishing House, 2002, 685 p.
Volume II: Touchstones, Bucharest, Universalia Publishing House, 2002, 900 p.
Volume III: The world we live in, Bucharest, Universalia Publishing House, 2002, 914 p.
Volume IV: The books of change, Bucharest, Universalia Publishing House, 2002, 740 p.
- Time of tearing down, time of building, second revised edition (translated in English), Bucharest, Universalia Publishing House, 2005, 479 p.
- The truth about Romania, Bucharest, Universalia Publishing House, 2004, 598 p.
- Original sin, founder sacrifice. Revolution of ’89 as it was. Minerva, 2009, 435 p.
Contributions in volumes. Selection
- Relationship between democracy and the economy in the post- communist transition, în Democracy in Asia Its Problems and Prospects, Asia- Pacific Peace Press, Seoul, 1995
- Introductory study at „Il semipresidenzialismo: dall’ archipelago europeo al dibato italiano”, Torino, Editura Giappichelli, 1998
- The 21st Century University: Towards au Ethies of Responsability in Touchstores for a Modern Culture Proceedings of XII Trienal Conference of the International Association of University Presidents, Ed. John Nolan, Brussels, 1999
- Intellectual elites in 21st century: between historical mission and populist derive. Intellectual elites’ populism: a loss of self esteem. in Mobility of elites in Romania of the 20th century, Paralela 45 Publishing House, Iaşi, 2008, co-author
Studies and articles in periodicals. Selection
- The Memory of Suffering and the Pedagogy of Freedom, Volume 2 Issue 3 of Eruditio Journal, The World Academy's E-Journal, April-May 2017
- Building up European Solidarity, a view from the East, Volume 2 Issue 3 of Eruditio Journal, The World Academy's E-Journal, April-May 2017
- Building up hope and a new national solidarity. Review Periscop nr. 4, October-December 2016
- A flat world with Deep Fractures, Review Cadmus, October 2016
- Democracy for The 21st Century, Review of Alexandria Library, 9-11 December 2015
- The Golden Fleece, Higher Education and the New Society, Eruditio, The World Academy's E-Journal, 2014
- The market economy and the citizen’ s trust, Review of Eurasian Economic Summit „The Future is Eurasia”, nr.12, Marmara Foundation, Istanbul, 2009
- The Balkan Myth of the Sacrifice of Creation: a Plea for Redeeming Self-Respect, Changing Balkans Review no. 10, Sofia, February 2009
- Justitia fundamentum regnorum, Review FAR XXI no.2, Bucharest, february 2009
- Pour une Francophonie au service de la société du savoir, Revue internationale et stratégique, N°71, Automne 2008
- Romanian intellectual elites in front of a new national historic project. Review FAR XXI nr.1, Bucharest, August 2008
- Relations between Romania and Russian Federation: what we have accomplished, what we will have to do. Foreign Policy, Bucharest, June 2008
- Europe’s Children, vol. The Future is Eurasia, Marmara Group Strategic and social research, Istanbul, May 2008
- Construction of infrastructure in South Eastern Europe: from the vicious circle of underdevelopment to the virtuous circle of sustainability, Review of International Politics, no.IX-X/2007
- Europe of the 27 and the future challenges - Review of International politics, no.5-6/2006
- De nouveaux espaces de cooperation politique internationale pour la Francophonie en Europe, Changing Balkans Review no. 9, Sofia, September 2006
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Crossing from Dayton’s to Brusseles’ Phase and the Role of the International, Sofia, Changing Balkans Review no. 8/2006
- Southeast Europe- an open and flexible „collaboration space”, Sofia, Changing Balkans Review no.7, June 2005
- South Eastern Europe with or without Milosevici, Review of International Politics, Bucharest, 2005
- Diversité culturelle et Francophonie, Revista Diversité culturelle est Francophonie dans l’espace francophone et á l’échelle mondiale, Paris, 19 et 2o janvier 2004
- Regional Cooperation in Combating Organised Crime, Changing Balkans Review , no. 5/2003
- The Cultural Potential of the Balkan Countries as a Factor of Development, Changing Balkans review, no. 4/2003
- L’Université, un lieu du pluralisme, Revue Universités, vol.2, no 1/1999
- The European Prospects of the Balkan Countries, Changing Balkans Review, no. 3/ December 2002
- The Economic Revival of South-eastern Europe, Changing Balkans Review, no. 2/ July 2002
- Regional Security in the Balkans and the role of the Balkan Political Club, Changing Balkans Review, no.1/March 2002
- The Black Sea Region: A Great Opportunity for an Economic Development Based on the East- West Bridge, pag. 21-23, Romanian Journal of International Affairs, vol. IV, Bucharest, 1998
- Doctor Honoris Causa conferred by Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France; University of Liège, Belgium; Polytechnion University, Athens, Greece; University of Montreal, Canada; New Delhi University, India; University of Beijing, China; Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; University „Saint Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, Bulgaria; University of Maribor, Slovenia; Free University of Chisinau, Republic of Moldavia; Srinakharinwirst University, Bangkok, Thailand; Eurasian University, Astana, Kazakhstan; University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Doctor Honoris Causa conferred by the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, Moldavian Science Academy, Moldova Republic
- Romanian Academy Award (the highest Romanian scientific distinction) for outstanding scientific contributions in the field of geology, Bucharest, Romania, 1980
- Honorary Diploma, Romanian Academy
- Palmas Academicas – Gold Collar, conferred by Brazilian Academy of Letters, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Great Gold Medal conferred by Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Honorary Medals of Caroline University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Honorary Medals of Sao Paulo University, Brazil
- Medal Arthur Bertrand, Academie des Sciences, Institut de France, Paris, France
- Medals conferred by National Institut of Sciences and Arts, France; Université de Paris – Sorbonne, France; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and University of Szeged, Hungary
- Award for Democracy, Democratic Centre, Washington DC, USA
- 2013 Gusi Peace Prize
- Diploma şi prize „Peace by culture and education”, Institute for Cultural democracy, Berlin