Cooperation protocol between the Institute of Advanced Studies for the Levant Culture and Civilization and the Institute of Turkish Studies of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

25th September 2018

Andreea Grecu-Ciupală, PhD, General Manager of IASLCC and Professor Tasin Gemil, Director of the Institute of Turkish Studies of the Babeș-Bolyai University, signed a cooperation protocol intended to create the framework for development of common projects and programs between the two institutions, with a special emphasis on the IASLCC cultural revival project entitled ”Silk Road”. A good knowledge of Turkish history, culture and civilization is indispensable in the development of this project. The Institute of Turkish Studies of the Babeș- Bolyai University intends to familiarize its target audience as well as a wider one with Turkish history, values, civilization and culture, the Turkish area of Central Asia, in addition to forecasting possible political and economic evolutions of the area.

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