December 14th, 2018
Academician Kopi Kyçyku is a member of the Albanian Academy of Sciences, a professor at the Universities of Tirana and Bucharest and a member of the Albanian Writers and Artists’ Union since 1967. He is a founding member of the “Nicolae Titulescu” European Foundation, of the International Director Committee of the European Centre for Interethnic and Communication at the Romanian Academy, and of the Central European Academy of Science and Art. He was ordained a Knight of the Order of St Sylvester, and is a titular member of the European Academy of Arts (Belgium), a member of the Honorary Council of the European Academy of Performing Arts, of the Balkanistics and Slavistics Association, the President of the “Haemus” Albanian Cultural Association, founder and co-Director of the “Haemus” bilingual (in Albanian and Romanian) European magazine that has been in print in Bucharest since 1998, and the founder and Chief Editor of the “Eastern European Messenger” magazine, which is published in London, in English.
A distinguished university professor specialising in Italian and in the history of the Balkans, he has received numerous national and international awards for his scientific and didactic activity. Kopi Kyçyku has written and published a great number of monographs in Albanian, Romanian and Italian, notable among which are: “Mustafa Kemal Atatürk”, “Postwar Turkey (1945 – 1985)”, “The armed insurrection at Ilinden, Macedonia (1903)”, “Albanian-Romanian relations over the centuries”, “The Aromanians of Albania in a Balkan context”, “The History of Albania”, “Pater – Emil Condurachi”, “The History of Macedonia”, “Atatürkism and the Turkey of the Third Millennium”, “A Short History of Azerbaijan”.
The President of the Scientific Council of the IASLCC, Emil Constantinescu, invited Academician Kopi Kyçyku to take part in the ongoing projects of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization.