Byzantium – An unending civilization
Ana-Maria Răducan (coordinator)
»»» descărcarea este disponibilă pe capitole sau pentru tot volumul
Emil Constantinescu, Memory and Oblivion in Byzantium and Recent History
Athanassios Semoglou, Introduction
Ana‑Maria Răducan, Byzantium – An Unending Civilization
Paolo Odorico, Romania is a country that is now opening up tremendously
Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi, The Commonwealth of Byzantine Thought: Continuities and Transformations of the Byzantine Speculative Identity
Claudia Rapp, Byzantium Remains a World Heritage
Andra Jugănaru, A Network Analysis of the Cappadocian Fathers’ Letter Collections
Antonio Pio Di Cosmo, Christian Signs and Garments. Plutocrats and the Self‑Representation Strategies of the Upper Class
Cătălin‑Ștefan Popa, Christians and the Making of Borders between Byzantium, and Persia in Late Antiquity
Alin Lupu, The Muslim Merchants and Ambassadors from Constantinople (Ninth – Eleventh Centuries) – An Overview
Iustina Barbu, The Image of the Jew in the Byzantine Hagiographies (Tenth – Eleventh Centuries)
Olga Vlachou, The Great Misconceptions of the Great Schism
Emanoil Băbuș, Byzantins et Latins durant le règne d’Alexis Ier Comnène. Orchestration statale et ritualisation des émotions
Eleni Karafotia, Sources and Parallels in the Byzantine Achilleid
Zacharoula G. Kousouli, The Prosopography of John VIII Palaiologos according to the Mémoires of Sylvester Syropoulos and the Acta Graeca Concilii Florentini
Hayarpi Hakobyan, Resurrected Moses as a Witness of Christ’s Theophanies: On a Distinctive Iconography of the Transfiguration and the Second Coming in Medieval Armenian Book Illumination
Andrei Prohin, Signs of the End of the World through History: a Reading of the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete in a Slavic Manuscript from Moldova (1637)
Ion Marian Croitoru, Greek‑Language Typographic Activity in Târgoviște at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century